A data and method bank will be set up for seafloor, which will describe compiled natural data as a time-varying digital geomorphological model. This allows planar interpolation and semi-automatically produced consistent models and maps for relationship between geomorphology, hydrodynamic, sediment composition, and their dynamics. For a period of 20 years, simulation models will be operated as part of multi-model approach and the quality of model results will be analyzed and documented.
Based on model results, analyzes are carried out on a variety of morphological, hydrodynamic and sedimentological parameters. Products are consistent bathymetries, maps and models of dynamics of morphology, sediment and tide events. The participatory process identifies stakeholders and their needs for products.
Due to intensive dialogue between stakeholders and project consortium, linking of requirements is promoted in the phase of participatory product development with possible solutions. Together, we will develop usable prototypical products for selected applications and ensure their usability in test runs.
All products (data, methods, models, complex visualizations) are deployed on the platforms of EasyGSH-DB (data and information portal) and merged into MDI-DE and mCLOUD based on a distributed database. They contained metadata is according to currently valid standards (INSPIRE, WSV) as well as proof of origin and processing. The offer is complemented by an information portal applications on selected topics.
The aim of the project is to generate quality assured high-resolution reference data sets for the area of the German Bight by using available measurements, hydrodynamic simulations and analysis and make them accessible in a simple way.
Geodata and products prepared in the framework of EasyGSH-DB are provided via existing structures of the Maritime Data Structure Germany (MDI-DE) as well as information systems of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) and the Federal
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (mCloud), thus guaranteeing practical and long-term availability.
For the first time, practice-oriented application options are systematically developed and prototypically implemented through close cooperation with future users. The early involvement of stakeholders and organization of a participatory process that continues
over the entire duration of the project ensure focus on practice-relevant products.
The work focuses on geomorphologic data for bathymetry, sedimentology and data for hydrodynamics, salt and sediment transport as well as sea state. The project structure of EasyGSH-DB therefore offers possibilities for a large number of stakeholders from administration, maritime industry, research, non-governmental organizations and
interested population to work proactively on product development of high-resolution, quality-assured databases.
The map viewer is intended to provide an overview of some EasyGSH-DB products for users.
The map tool can be accessed with the button "to the viewer for analysed data", project-related prototypical data of bathymetries, sediment parameters and hydrodynamic data are presented by a web map service (WMS).
In a second viewer we explicitly present synoptic data based on netCDF. Hydrodynamic data is presented in the viewer for synoptic data. It is selected data, due to data size of the netCDF files.
The data visualized in the viewer is available for download.
All products from EasyGSH-DB are available in sense of 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), provided the name is given.
For the first time, EasyGSH-DB provides synoptic model data in addition to analysis data. With these netCDF files, users can e.g. start their own models or analyzes.
All synoptic data can be viewed beforehand in a viewer and are rasterized to a resolution of 1000m.
- Bathymetry (1996-2016)
- Morphological drive
- Morphological space
- Isolines (1996-2016)
and more
to downloadtidal characteristic numbers
- water level
- current velocity
- eff. bed shear stress action
and more
to Hydrodynamic to synoptic Hydrodynamic- Eulitoral (2002)
- Eulitoral (2012)
- Mudflat areas (2004)
- Mudflat areas (2014)
- Shell potential areas (2012)
to download
Aim of the information portal is to provide documentation of specific information about generation process and data from EasyGSH-DB.
In particular, "lineage" and "keywords" information stored in metadata should be used and support development of a thematic map.
Then links of "encapsulated" learning objects with metadata should ensure reusability.
23. March 2018 - Introduction EasyGSH-DB
EasyGSH Einführung (Ger.)
Teilprojekt EasyGSH_Boden (Ger.)
Teilprojekt EasyGSH_Dialog (Ger.)
Teilprojekt EasyGSH_ModLearn (Ger.)
Teilprojekt EasyGSH_ModPort (Ger.)
25. March 2019 - Prototyping partnerships
Geomorphologie (Ger.)
Hydrodynamik & Analyseprodukte (Ger.)
EasyGSH-DB Informationsplattform (Ger.)
Prototyping partnerships
Umgang mit Unsicherheiten (Ger.)
Morphologische Entwicklung des Cuxhavener Watts (Ger.)
Tideregime (Ger.)
Auswertungsidee Trockenfallflächen (Ger.)
Bestimmung von Wattkanten (Ger.)
Beurteilung von Trassen (Ger.)
Seegangsparameter (Ger.)
Ãœbergabe von Randwerten (Ger.)
Workshop Protokoll (Ger.)
14. November 2019 - Habitate & Biotops
Agenda (Ger.)
sekundäre Produkte (Eulitoral und Wattflächen)(Ger.)
Automatisierte Detektion von Sandbänken (Ger.)
Habitatklassifikationen und Risiko Potentialkarten (Ger.)
Lebensraumtypen Risiko Potentialkarten (Ger.)
Bathymetrische Produkte (Ger.)
Optimierung und Finalisierung sedimentologischer Produkte (Ger.)
Analyseergebnisse zu Bathymetrie, Sedimente, Tidekennwerte, Seegang (Ger.)
Variation des Tideniedrig- und -mittelwassers im Bereich der Jade und Wesermündung (Ger.)
Einladung und Programm (Ger.)
Vorstellung EasyGSH-DB (Ger.)
Datenprodukte - Teil 1: Geomorphologie und Sedimentologie (Ger.)
Datenprodukte - Teil 2: Hydrodynamik (Ger.)
Datenportal (Ger.)
Informationsplattform (Ger.)
Vorstellung des Beteiligungsprozesses (Ger.)
Einblick in die Prototyping Partnerschaften:
PP Randwerte (Ger.)
PP Lebensraumtypen (Ger.)
PP Trockenfallkarten (Ger.)
PP Wattkanten (Ger.)
PP Morphologischer Raum (Ger.)
23. Seminar 2018
24. Seminar 2019
Forschungs Express BAW - 27/2018 - EasyGSH-DB - 1. März 2018 (Ger.)
Forschungs Express BAW - 114/2018 - EasyGSH-DB - 25. Dezember 2018 (Ger.)
Ahlhorn, F. et al. (2019): Big-Data Anwendung für die Deutsche Bucht. Schiff & Hafen Oktober 2019 (10): 36-38. https://www.schiffundhafen.de (Ger.)
Plüß, A., (2019): Eine (Daten-) Flut für die Küste. BAWAktuell, 03/2019: 8-10. https://www.baw.de (Ger.)
Sievers, J. et al. (2021): An integrated marine data collection for the German Bight – Part 1: Subaqueous geomorphology and surface sedimentology (1996–2016). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4053-4065, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4053-2021/a>
Hagen, R. et al. (2021): An integrated marine data collection for the German Bight – Part 2: Tides, salinity, and waves (1996–2015). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2573–2594, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2573-2021
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Plüß, A., et.al., (2020), Scientific final research report for mFund-Project: EasyGSH-DB
Examples of different visualizations of data are shown in the gallery.
The project EasyGSH-DB consists of different partners with respective subprojects.